Sunday, November 21, 2010

Papers, Dulcimers, and...Bollywood?

I think I seriously overestimated the difficulty this paper would propose. I've been working for only an hour and I'm nearly half way through. It makes sense though. Having practiced paganism for three years now, its an issue I've certainly given a lot of thought.

But -

I'm giving myself a 10-15 minute break every hour, so that's what this is.

bah! Why am I talking about school when I'm on break? Terrible.

/Change Subject

You know what I love? Hammered Dulcimers. They sound really different from my dulcimer, which has four strings and is really quite simple. Hammered Dulcimers have, well a ton of strings. The cool thing is that they are found in a lot of cultures. You hear them in Chinese, Japanese, and European Music. I'm sure a lot of cultures have them.

Its strange how sometimes when I'm playing my normal dulcimer, I feel like I'm speaking. Not often, but sometimes instruments speak for us. After all, words tend to fall short.

Anyways, here is a video of a hammered dulcimer being played. I can't embed videos using blogspot (or at least, I don't know how) so here is a link.

Trust me, its very cool.

And this is completely unrelated. Its a scene from Devdas, one of the few yet growing number of musicals I enjoy.

alright. back to work.

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