Monday, April 5, 2010

Love is comfort food for the insecure

This is a phrase I heard earlier tonight, 'love is comfort food for the insecure'. I'm not sure I really agree, but then lets see where I end up! I think it insinuates that only those who have some sort of problem need love. But I don't think of love as a remedy or something separate from us; nor do I think of it as a quick fix or a crutch. To me, love is something intrinsic in every aspect of this world. It is in the air, the soil, the trees, in us. It is as part of the 'system' as water or light. Certainly I think we can choose to ignore it, or twist it around, but for it to be an aspirin for those who have a problem...I'm not so sure.
Recently, I had lost sight of that aspect. About three weeks ago, a four year relationship ended for me and I took it much harder than I thought I would. I was a real downer, to say the least. But then I realized I was looking completely inward. I was focused only on my feelings, my hurt. And in doing so, I was really adding some seriously bad energy to other people's lives. I think that in our current social view, selfishness is almost revered. Self discovery, self fulfillment, inner happiness, we all look so hard for it that we don't see the world around us. I'm not talking about anyone in particular, but the broad average I have noticed. I think that true happiness is found through focusing on yourself, yes, but also acting in love toward others. I realized that me being torn up about the break up was just destroying those around me. So, I decided that I was going to get over it and I did. I was done giving off bad energy to those at my Pagan club and those that I live with.

Things are getting a lot better now.

And after all, how can I be sad as long as the morning sun shines brightly through the leaves?

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