Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Beyond angry

So apparently having a girl as one of your best friends is a problem. Not allowed. So far since my friend and I have been hanging out we have been accused of;

1. dating.
2. being friends with benefits
3. sneaking around

and other things. Do you know how many of those things are true? zero. that's right. a big fucking zero.

It probably all stems from the time we were at the bar and a guy I know was creepin on her, so I told him we were together. Yes. I lied to get a nasty creepy guy away from one of my friends. Somehow I didn't think that would be a bad thing.

Work is the last place I need things being spread around about me.

Do you know why it makes me upset? Here's why. People can take a lot away from you, but they can't take your honor away. I strive to be an honorable guy, and people are accusing me of being a lech. A pervert. the kind of guy who 'hooks up' with girls when they're sad. Its like everything I set out to work towards was discredited by me having a good friend who happens to be female. There are some things in this life I absolutely do not do. And among cheating (in a relationship, specifically), being cruel towards others, and infringing on the spiritual beliefs of others 'hooking up' is one of those things.

And then, of course, I thought my friend and I getting an apartment would be a good idea. I said to myself, hey, we get along. We're both clean people. We both want a better study environment. Good idea right?


now everybody is going mad crazy over this. I guess I should have seen it coming. Now I have some reservations about it.

Oh, the fact that she HAS A BOYFRIEND who is thinking about living with us is obviously of no value. the fact that I am NOT INTERESTED in her, in the least, beyond a friend is also of no value. But of course, maybe this is all my fault. I joke a lot, about a lot of things, and don't think about the consequences. Maybe I said something that someone mistook for my actual opinions or feelings. But damn, did they run with it.

So now I either continue living on campus, tell her that her friendship isn't worth the drama of getting an apt together (this option won't happen, because I don't betray my friends), or....... those are the only two that I see.

And of course, people at work flap their jaws heedlessly.

The last thing I need right now is someone talking to her (not the friend I'm referring to) and making me seem like a not so great guy.

Because I am a great guy, and I work hard to uphold that.

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