Tuesday, November 9, 2010

That time again

Today was cold.

A crackle and cloud,
settled electricity.
First step following.

I rarely have a bad day. I have neutral days, and days that aren't so great.
but today was a bad one.

Its hard to explain really. I lost my keys, but that was just annoying. I had no idea what was going on in Chinese, but that was only frustrating.

Its because I have to admit defeat,
Its time to give up.

I'm tired of chasing and I'm tired of working with no real end in sight. Its too much, too much.

I don't know why I write in columns, this isn't meant to be a poem. I just think paragraphs deter the eye. Or at least they do mine.

Its good though, knowing when to keep walking.

Close a door, another opens. Or so I've been told. In truth, the door was probably never there to begin with.

Drawn on with chalk, blown off as time went on.

And its a shame, you see.
It would have been safe with me.

I sort of stole that last part from Bon Iver.
Re: Stacks.

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