Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I really can't stand this guy's attitude..

Today at work my friend was talking about how she wishes she could work the 27th, but the shop is closed. All she said was,

"It just kinda sucks since I don't celebrate Christmas, and I never have."

One of the full time workers did NOT like this. He started telling her how she should be grateful, and glad she gets the day off,and how she was being a hypocrite because in the future she would gladly take Christmas itself off, because he obviously knows what decisions she is going to make.

After a while of hearing him puke ignorance from his "moral" high horse, I tried to explain to him what she meant. I didn't really get much of a chance to speak though. He said something to the affect of

"Well you celebrate Christmas...what are you complaining about?"

Truth be told, I DON'T celebrate Christmas. I celebrate Yule, which is very similar. I'll hang out at my friends Christmas parties, but Christmas isn't something I really celebrate. Its not that I wouldn't, I just don't.

But what I was complaining about was his bad attitude, his disrespectful nature, and his unwillingness to acknowledge that some of us want to get an extra ten hours on our paycheck, seeing as how the 27th and the 25th are not the same day.

Of course, this is the same guy who told us how lazy we are, and then proceeded to sit and breath heavily at the break table while the rest of us cleaned out six or seven roller set-ups. Not to mention he randomly disappears for whole shifts and then conveniently shows up when its time to leave.

so....the students who are wanting an extra ten hour day are the lazy ones and you, who have literally slept on the job, are not?

Your logic seems flawed, sir. flawed indeed.

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