Wednesday, December 22, 2010

10 hours

I'll be honest. There is something sadistic inside of my that takes great pride in waking up at 5:45 in the morning to go to work.

Becoming one of the slow moving 'bleary eyes' to shuffle through Circle K is strangely satisfying. Its a comical camaraderie, when every one stands in line and expresses good mornings before the sun comes up.

And even though ten hours is a long shift, I enjoy it in a way. Not fully, but part of me is proud that I'm not sitting on my ass, mooching money off of my parents and wasting time.

It might not be a great job,
it sure isn't glamorous..
but I'm treated well.
and it's work.
and it's mine.
And it means that I can take pride in myself.

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