Saturday, August 28, 2010

They are -

The above is a link to a song performed by Lunasa, called 'The Miller of Drohan'. I'm not sure of the history of the song, but I don't think it is incredibly old, perhaps one could even say its a modern tune.

Its one of my favorite songs right now. Just hearing it brings my ancestors to life in my chest.

I love who I have come from, even though throughout history many mistakes have been made. I love that my blood can be traced to Ireland, Parts of Scandinavia, and even Spain.

I love that who I am is in part made up in part of the decisions, actions, and risks taken by those who came before me. But with this I also know that some of those decisions and actions were at the expense of someone else, and even perhaps fueled by hatred.

As I go through life knowing that I am one stepping stone in the line of my family, I bear the tremendous knowledge that my actions are the variables of life to come. It is a most humbling experience.

I am the first man to walk upright, I am the first man to harness fire, I am Vikings, I am Celts, I am Spaniards, I am 'Americans', I am my parents, I am me.

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