Monday, September 20, 2010

A stalker, a worn coat, and what else?

Bah, you rear you ugly head again.

Scars are best worn under your clothes,
even if they are sewn from each falsehood
you have spoken.

We are all hypocrites my dear,
and I am their king.

Happiness is a choice, you know. I've come to realize that. Of course when we were young our parents had the ability to supply us with endless amounts of happiness...but even then a two year old who is intent on throwing a temper tantrum will certainly do so. So many of us are two years old, fighting over our side of the car and where the borders lie.

I have come to a point where I am a bit less sympathetic to those who have hard lives and yet do nothing to change them. So many of us have hard lives. So many of us have gone through terrible things that we would rather not mention. But ultimately, its up to you whether or not you get past these things.

I am nobody's emotional babysitter. I am a good listener, a good friend, and I will always wish to help when possible. But if someone chooses to wallow in their self pity, I'm not going to throw any pearls their way.

Is this wrong?
Is this heartless?

I still feel for these people, I do. It is simply that I can't make that choice for anybody.

Sometimes I wonder if this mentality, that life will hand us happiness, is destructive. So many of our books and movies portray a beautiful woman or a handsome man, saving the main character from their hardships and showing them the way to happiness. And while we all say that we can distinguish this from reality, can we?

In hearing many people talk about relationships, I have begun to realize that people have their priorities in the strangest places. So what if she has a strange laugh? So what if he still plays video games? How about the person overall? Everybody will let you down. Everybody will hurt you. I'm sorry, that's the way it is. But knowing this, why not look past it? Especially since you can take this same truth and turn it the other way -

"I will let people down. I will hurt people."

After all, if everybody suffers from the curse of being human.....wouldn't everybody include you and I?

Heaven forbid we find fault within ourselves.

But seeing as we are all flawed, we are all on the same playing field. So....why not lighten up a bit? Why give people such a hard time about little mistakes or annoyances that really have no worth focusing on? After all, every time someone has been a bitch to me, I've probably been an asshole too. Probably without even knowing it.

We're all hypocrites.
We're all liars.
We all cheat,
We all are selfish.... could say we deserve each other?

Chill out everyone. Realize that since the bad is inevitable you might as well not focus on it, and instead focus on the good in people. Besides, hating others and making enemies is so time consuming.

Those are my thoughts for now.

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