Monday, September 6, 2010


I've realized something.

My thoughts are almost entirely inward. This place, behind the vines, where I write things has become bitter negative in this past month. Most every journal I've had has become something angry and dark, which is why I don't generally stick with them.
I think maybe this focus on all the things that bug me, bring me down, and just don't seem fair is what is making everything seem so gray, so lifeless.I think one way to change that is to change the trend of what I write here. I think when we focus on our problems too much the thoughts can become so selfish.

So how do I turn my thoughts outward?

By helping people? Say, at a food bank or some other volunteer work? Perhaps, but that is like trying to jump across a river instead of using the stepping stones.

I think the best way for me to start being less selfish is to be thankful for things. I see it this way, if I am thankful for something then my perspective is outward. Here is an example

"I am so upset. I wish things were different."

Versus -

"I'm really thankful for my friends. They're all really great people, and they make any situation so much more fun."

See the difference?

I think I'll start doing this with flagstaff. Because...moment of honesty here....

I really dislike Flag. Yes, some of the worst experiences of my life have happened in Flag, but that's where the negativity stops. Acknowledgment, fine. An unhealthy lingering, not so good.

But I can be thankful for having a place to stay
for my education
for the people around me
that there is a place where the forest isn't stamped down and destroyed.

I've lost my train of thought.
Time to go grocery shopping.

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