Tuesday, September 21, 2010


First, let me say that this entry isn't about be being upset or scorned. I haven't rushed home to write this after a girl turned me down, nor am I sad or upset. In fact, overall I have been really, really happy. This is written with the same emotion behind it as when you notice a strange bruise on your arm. You aren't made or upset at all....you're just slightly baffled. But anyways, lets get on with it.

I've come to realize that the way humans act when trying to attract the attention of another person for romantic reasons, sexual reasons, or both, is completely and utterly absurd.

Rarely do I say I think something is completely insane, but I think the way we interact with each other when it comes to initiating interest is just silly. I guess I should give an overview of how I see it.

Most efforts to initiate interest with someone I have witnessed or taken part in involved either a complete misrepresentation of oneself, or playing games that result in more frustration than anything else. When it come to misrepresentation, as a man I know that when around attractive women I feel the strange need to exude an air of competence, confidence, and a fun loving attitude. These are attributes I have, yes, but in trying to demonstrate them I would be in essence....lying. Puffing out feathers with stories that are embellished, sharpening my beak with laughable attempts to show physical strength, these things are all exaggerations of something that is maybe true. Thats why, mostly, I don't do them. I can't speak for women since I'm not one, but I'm sure similar things happen.
And as for playing games, this is the part that confuses me most. What I mean by this can be show best by a few examples of things I've heard or wondered.

- "Dude, she just texted me. I'm gonna wait a day, don't want her to think I'm desperate."

Call me crazy.....but I think if a girl initiates conversation with you, then she wants to talk to you. And why make it that complicated anyway? Talk to her or don't. Good lord.

-"Do I ask this girl/guy if she wants to go out? What if she/he doesn't want to?"

This makes a bit more sense to me. After all, it stems from insecurity..which I think we all have trouble with on some level. But when it turns into strange ploys to figure out what to do or not to do, it gets ridiculous. Honestly, just do it. It prevents unnecessary frustration, stress, and being lead on or leading someone on. In reality, if we just asked people what was going on, then being lead on wouldn't exist. For example, The way I asked out my last (and so far only) girlfriend went something like this. I was nervous for sure, but hell It was either ask or don't and that night was as good as any. Keep in mind this is a serious paraphrase

Me: "hey, so I think you're a really cool person. Your fun, attractive, and we like the same stuff. Want to make this thing official?"
Her: "I think you're cool too. Why not try it out and see what happens?"

See? So to the point. none of this bullshit where we lead each other on for a month or too only for one person to lose interest. Haha, although the second time I tried this approach it didn't work at all. People are truly different.

Maybe I'm a little callous, but I don't want to play games if it means I'm going to be wasting my time. I don't know why anybody else does.

Maybe it might seem like I have no capacity for romance. I do, I certainly do. But why spend that energy on something that is going nowhere when I could spend it on an actual relationship? With someone I don't know...sure I'll try to be charming, to be nice, to let her know I think she's special, but I'm not going to exhaust all of my energy on the issue.

So what then? What's my strategy? Well......I don't really have one. I suppose it is a 'strategy'. Anyways, its as follows.

I don't really think about it.

I mean, I could put my dick on the table and compare length with all the other monkey men around me in order to try and impress a woman...but why? What would that really accomplish? More than likely it would attract the type of girl I'm not interested in anyways. So I just kinda do my thing. I just try to be a nice guy, pursue my interests, and overall not care.

But a word to the wise for anybody who likes the sound of the way I do things. Don't expect much attention. However, when someone does come your way, or vice-versa, it'll be someone worthwhile. I'd rather date two or three great women in my lifetime than thirty or forty women that left me with regrets and sour memories.

I've lost my train of thought it seems....

those are the ones I was able to keep track of, and hopefully I was able to make you chuckle a time or two :)

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